Implementation of a GNSS metrology platform for the industryAs part of the ReadyNov 2019-2021 call for projects, the consortium, composed of GUIDE, OKTAL-SE, ONERA, and M3 Systems, launched the CERTINAV project financed by the Occitanie Region (France) for a total amount of 709K€.
The objective of the project is to develop a GNSS metrology platform for industrial companies wishing to certify their guidance systems. Indeed, controlling performance (integrity and accuracy), particularly in disturbed environments, such as urban areas or industrial sites, constitutes the main challenge to overcome to ensure the safety and efficiency of new transport solutions (learn more about how to test GNSS jamming and spoofing).
The project is expected to bring several innovations in the GNSS test methodology and in the test instrumentation of GNSS receivers (Simulation and Recording-Replay).

Simulated route for validation of GNSS 3D simulation