Test facility engineering for Geolocation
Support process for in-house management of GNSS testing
Test facilities on your premises
Test facility engineering covers all activities likely to facilitate the implementation of GNSS tests within companies. Test facility engineering can be broken down into 4 stages:- Definition of metrological means to test GNSS terminals on your premises
- Creation and deployment of test scenarios intended to reconstruct digital test environments in the field
- Development and deployment of tools for processing and analyzing test data
- Training courses on testing means and methods
Test means provide you with the methods, scenarios and analysis tools to evaluate your solutions with the following advantages:- SDR replayers reproduce either original GNSS signals, signals simulated by constellation generators or interfering generators
- Restore realistic GNSS environments by replaying previously digitized signals in the real world
- Use digitized test data and reference trajectories rigorously collected and validated
- Choose test scenarios (or have them made) consistent with your metrological objectives
- Repeat the replay of the same scenario at will to discriminate between errors of accuracy and fidelity
- Compare measurements obtained using the same GNSS signals
- Use validated analysis tools capable of reconciling the different measurements obtained using the same scenario.

Services performed by gnss testing (GPS / Galileo)
Definition of metrology means- Definition of the level of requirements for the results
- Selection of test instrumentation likely to meet metrological requirements
- Definition and planning of suitable digitization campaigns
- Provision of test scenarios
- Definition of data analysis tools
- Definition of data processing tools compatible with the analysis tools
- Development of algorithms for statistical functions

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